What has changed as a result of this experience? We are much more comfortable navigating multiple windows, bookmarking, sharing, feeding, gathering (and dispersing) lots of informational screens quickly and comfortably. Confidence has been gained, vocabulary has been expanded (do you speak 1337?) and fun has been had.
What were our favorites? We love mashups and image generators (and hadn't even heard the words before). We have enjoyed linking to fellow book lovers and librarians through Facebook, Ning, and The Library Thing.
Connecting with other 23 "thing-ers"? Not so much. The best connection was when we saw each others' work on the Declaration of Independence. We hope that once the push to finish "things" is past, we can share more relaxed camaraderie hanging around the old Ning site.
Unexpected outcomes? Goodness, our keyboarding has improved! Mousing, too, and the ability to juggle multiple open windows, links, tabs, etc. But in all seriousness, it has opened the door to some amazing discussions with the teens in our life.
What to do differently? Is there a format that would allow the personal responsibility of blogging to connect with a more social format so there would, indeed, be more built-in connection with fellow "thing-ers"? We had hoped (and expected) greater opportunity to actually JOIN an online community!
23 More Things? Why, yes, I would!
One sentence? "No, I'm not goofing around on the web, I'm working on my online course!"
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