Monday, August 4, 2008

Thing 21 -- even MORE social networking

Visit 23 Things on a Stick

This was fun. We had jumped the gun and joined the 23 Things Ning from Facebook (not even realizing that it was "Ning"-based) so it was surprising to be greeted by name and have a message waiting (thank you, Gale). Had fun adding an old Media Center logo to the photo collection and proudly added our badge.

Gather was less interesting. It seemed rather too self-centered: too many aspiring authors begging for attention rather than a true sharing of the love of literature. Professional review journals are still important even if anyone can chime in with an online opinion -- and an ethical "reader advisor" does not review on demand. Claques and trolls are presented with an open season here.

WebJunction is terrific: we immediately signed up for a Webinar on creating a technology "Petting Zoo" -- that is to say, how to create online "play" that teaches online skill. Nifty idea for elementary media?

We also joined the Teacher/Librarian network and its Elementary subnetwork and entered a discussion of what are the most important things to do on reopening each fall. Lots of excellent ideas and reminders. Time does fly and we'll be back in our buildings in a couple of weeks.

We did enjoy the PC Magazine satire comparing social networks to more physical hangouts, from the undergraduate trashy to the expense account fabulous. Once again it confirms our initial impression that any social opportunity, real or virtual, can be grand if one is there with the right people.

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